Feedback, review, rating, whatever you call it. It has an impact on us. It can boost our confidence and make us feel good, or it can hurt us mentally, emotionally, and worst, financially. Don't let it ruin your day and discourage you in doing what you love. I used to feel bad whenever I get really low ratings. I even questioned my ability, but it didn't help me in any way.
Here's what I've learned in dealing with negative ratings from my students.
1. Look at the Bright Side
First of all, before you feel bad about those who gave you bad ratings, don't forget to appreciate the students who are satisfied with your performance. I'm pretty sure there's more good than bad ones. Stressing about something you cannot control, won't help but positivity does. My first tip is to relax and breathe. I know initially you will be pissed off, but try to calm down. It works!
Think about what could have been wrong. Reflect in about what happened without bias, and maybe they have a point. Be mature enough to admit whats lacking in your class. We cannot expect our students to be considerate of our situation because they probably don't have an idea. All they care is that they are paying to get the service that they want. Just because they are laughing during the class, doesn't mean they are happy with your performance. It's surprising, but it normally happens. There are times that you can defend yourself and dispute negative reviews, but most of the time, you can't. It may seem unfair, but it is what it is, we have rules to follow. If you feel like you did everything and you've seen nothing wrong, then read number three.
Accept that we cannot please everyone. If you know in your heart that you're not at fault then, be the bigger person. Be professional, ranting on social media might make you feel better, but it will not fix the situation. Let go, and I know, in time they will realize what they did. They are entitled to their opinion, and we can't do anything about that. Explain, defend yourself, but not to the point that you will disrespect or talk bad about the support team because they didn't take your side. They are just doing their job too. Keep in mind, this is business, and the students are our clients.
Challenge yourself to be better. There's always room for improvement. If you keep getting bad ratings about your teaching style, try a different approach. Learn how to test the water. Each student has different personalities. Thus, we have to adjust according to their preference. Read and watch free training online. If they complain about the noise or slow connection, then work hard, save up, and invest for better equipment. If you are not confident about your knowledge, read materials in advance, this will help you prepare for your future classes. The more students you will meet, the comfortable you will be.
Always believe in your ability. Be confident, that when times like this happen, you will just laugh it off because you know it's part of our work. If you know yourself better, you won't easily be affected with harsh words thrown on you. Just because somebody said you are the worst teacher, it doesn't mean you are not good. Like others, not all reviews are true. Remember, you got hired because the company believed in you.
So there folks, don't be too hard on yourself whenever you receive negative reviews. Even the best teacher gets bad ratings. It may affect our earnings, but it will not stop there, it's not forever. Keep doing your thing, and be grateful that they are giving us the chance to be aware of our shortcomings. Sometimes, bad ratings are there to keep us grounded. Relax, evaluate, let go, work hard, and always believe.